image resource:https://kaboomdesign.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/hierarchy-01-01.jpg

  Typography Hierarchy is an important techniques for effective communicating.It is use for organizing type that establishes an order of importance within the data,this allow the reader to find what they are looking for and navigate the content more easier.It is a guide for the reader which section to start with,which enabling the user to isolate certain information based on the consistent use of style throughout a body of text.

“Typography exists to honor content.”
- Robert Bringhurst: The Elements of Typographic Style
There are a few basic methods for establishing a visual typographic hierarchy:
  • Size
  • Weight
  • Color
  • Position
  • Type Contrast
Most commonly these methods are used in combination with each other. In the concert list shown earlier, size, color, spacing, and type contrast were all used. The combinations are literally endless.
This is the easiest and most common method for establishing hierarchy.
image resource: http://www.customfitonline.com/news/2015/8/3/four-ways-to-improve-your-typography/
Simply using a bolder weight of a font can help isolate.
Color plays a big role in what our eye sees as primary and secondary. Generally speaking; warm colors pop, cooler colors recede.
image resource:http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/articles/understanding-typographic-hierarchy--webdesign-11636
Where sections of information are positioned in relationship to each other can establish a hierarchy.
image resource: https://mikeornstein.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/hierarchy_sizechange_strokeweight.jpg
A great way to achieve hierarchy is to use contrasting typefaces.
image resource: https://maxboam.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/copland2.jpg
As mentioned previously, these methods can be most effective when used in combination with one another. Is deciding what combination is right for your content and layout.
image resource: https://gwilharris.wordpress.com/category/subject/page/2/
One of the most important concepts in type design is spacing. It’s one of the most difficult concepts to grasp for beginning designers, yet it is also one of the most visually obvious. Proper typographic spacing is critical in establishing hierarchy; it can make the difference between confusion and clarity. It is used in the majority of hierarchical systems, and it is present in all of the examples in this article.
The rule of proximity in design generally states that related items should appear closer to each other than items that are not related. However, proper spacing involves more than just a hard return between sections of type. Generally, a hard return creates too much space between content in the context of a paragraph. Paragraph spacing – either before or after – should be used. I tend to use paragraph spacing that is equal to half of the line-height (or leading). This typically allows the group of content to hold together while providing an adequate division of content within it.

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